A meditation practice is hands-down the most effective way to transform your daily stresses into peace, train your mind to focus, & reduce your anxiety.

All you have to do is show up & receive in this done-for-you audio guided meditation program.

Enroll in Meditative Mind Today For Just $30

Replace your mindless scrolling with 5-10 minutes of Meditation.

Wake up and scroll the internet.

Rise, connect, and deliberately align with Universal Life Force Energy to transform the trajectory of your day with positive interactions, and less stressful distractions.

30+ Guided Meditation Styles and Techniques

You will become an experienced meditator while improving your focus & enjoying the variety of these meditation techniques and styles.

Become more connected & confident in your Energy Healing Journey.

Intentional daily connection with Life Force Energy will expand your spiritual awakeningsaccelerate healing, and release dense thoughts, feelings, & actions that no longer resonate with your active energy ascension.

What you'll receive inside of the Meditative Mind Program:


  •  Literally a step-by-step, done for you training. You will develop a consistent, varied, and enjoyable meditation practice for which you feel naturally compelled and motivated to show up. 

  •  24/7 INSTANT and lifetime access to the program (including all updates).

  • Great embodiments of peace, energy, and clarity-- on the daily.

  • Audio and video guided meditations, Masterclasses, and eBooks.

The tools you need to release your anxiety & focus your attention: 

  •  30+ audio guided meditations and resources that explore and expand on different energy healing techniques to open up your spiritual connection and path.
  • Membership in a growing community of powerful and confident energy healers to support you and encourage you along your journey.

  • Education and experience as you be & become the version of you who chooses inner & outer peace. 


This meditation helped me realize and embody a new version of myself by showing up for myself and deeply listening to my intuition.


Consistently meditating has helped me slow down my mind to be more present in each moment & breathe through difficult emotions, and consider different perspectives


Absolutely perfect! By day 20, I really got used to meditating daily. This program had me go inward. It was a reflective time that I embraced.

Here's your simple solution to reduce brain fog, improve your focus, and embody deep inner peace.

Good-bye stress + overwhelm, hello mental clarity! Sign me up!

Why you can no longer afford to skip out on developing your meditation and spiritual practice:

The average persons spends  2 hours and 32 minutes on social media everyday. 

If you are reading this, you ARE here on Earth to support in the elevation of consciousness as a healer, energy/light worker. Show up for this part of your soul's mission by developing a practice that will tune you into the infinite wisdom and connection of Source, rather than doom scrolling & mindless distraction.

How much does Meditative Mind cost?

The mistake most people make is they think the “do-it-yourself” route is cheaper. What they don’t take into account is how inconsistent and ineffective that can be.

How many times have you tried to show up to a meditation practice in the past? … And how long did that last for you?....Before you stopped showing up, got bored, lost focus and motivation, and struggled without accountability or a plan.

Or worse…

.. the costs (time, money, relationships, health, energy) associated with NOT developing your mental, emotional, physical well-being. Your natural state is that of well-being, natural and sustained energy, compassion, and clarity. If you are routinely going through your day blowing up on your loved ones because you're not effectively managing stress, if you feel a disconnect with WHO YOU ARE and what you want, and live in a constant state of overwhelm, distraction and rush, you NEED a meditation practice that grounds, centers, and uplifts you to align with a better version of YOU.


The best $30 investment I've ever made for my mental peace

Your investment is fully backed by my 7-day money back GUARANTEE!

I don’t want unhappy money or unhappy customers. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the content in Meditative Mind, or for any other reason, simply email ([email protected]) requesting a full and immediate refund.

Stop getting to the end of your day and wishing you could have been less reactive, more present, more patient with yourself and your loved ones.
Be the change you wish to experience now.

No more questions, I'm ready and I need this!